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Nikhil Patel


September 6, 2024

Cost to Build Delivery Partner Apps like Blinkit


Demand for quick delivery apps like Blinkit has been growing rapidly. People love the convenience of getting groceries and essentials delivered in minutes, not hours. This trend is reshaping the e-commerce and on-demand delivery landscape, making fast and reliable service more important than ever.  Statistics show that the quick commerce market is expected to grow from $25 billion in 2023 to over $70 billion by 2028, reflecting how much consumers value speed and efficiency. Delivery partner apps play a vital role in this space by connecting customers with products faster, helping businesses keep up with customer expectations, and staying ahead in a competitive market. By investing in the Blinkit delivery partner app, businesses can enhance their logistics and offer a seamless delivery experience. In this blog, we’ll look at the cost and process of building a delivery partner app like Blinkit.

1.Understanding Blinkit: A Quick Overview

Blinkit, formerly known as Grofers, started as a grocery delivery service in 2013, focusing on delivering essentials quickly and efficiently. As consumer demand for instant gratification grew, Blinkit rebranded and shifted its focus to quick commerce, promising deliveries within minutes.

This change helped them tap into the rapidly growing market of ultra-fast delivery services. Today, Blinkit is a major player in the quick commerce industry, standing alongside competitors like Swiggy Instamart, Dunzo, and Zepto. Blinkit’s emphasis on speed, a vast product selection, and strategic partnerships with local stores has helped it carve out a strong position in the market, becoming a preferred choice for customers looking for fast, reliable deliveries.

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2.Business Model of Blinkit

Blinkit operates on a quick commerce model, which means delivering groceries and everyday essentials to customers within minutes. This approach caters to the need for speed and convenience, especially for people who don’t want to wait hours or days for their orders.

To make this possible, Blinkit uses a smart operational strategy. They set up micro-warehouses or small storage spaces in various locations, close to where customers live. This way, when someone places an order, the items are already nearby, allowing for faster packing and delivery. They also manage their inventory carefully, ensuring popular items are always in stock. Finally, Blinkit focuses on efficient last-mile delivery—getting the order from the micro-warehouse to the customer as quickly as possible.

Customer segmentation is key to Blinkit’s success. They primarily target urban professionals who have busy schedules and need quick access to groceries, busy families who rely on convenience for their everyday needs, and even students or elderly customers who prefer the ease of quick deliveries. On the supply side, Blinkit works with local sellers to keep their micro-warehouses stocked with fresh products, and they have a dedicated delivery team that ensures fast, reliable service. This combination of buyers, local sellers, and a strong delivery team makes Blinkit a go-to choice for anyone needing quick and convenient grocery delivery.

3.How Blinkit Functions?

How Blinkit Functions?

Blinkit’s system is designed to make the entire delivery process as fast and seamless as possible. Here’s how it works:

1] Order Placement: Everything starts with the Blinkit app, where users can easily browse a wide range of groceries and essentials. The app’s user-friendly interface allows customers to quickly search for items, add them to their cart, and place an order with just a few taps. The experience is smooth and designed for convenience, making it easy for people to get what they need in minutes.

2] Order Processing: Once an order is placed, Blinkit’s system kicks into high gear. The app sends the order details to a nearby micro-warehouse. Here, advanced inventory management systems ensure that the items are available and ready to be packed. Blinkit uses automated picking systems to speed up the process of gathering the items, making sure the order is ready for delivery as quickly as possible.

3] Delivery Management: After the order is packed, it’s time for delivery. Blinkit uses real-time tracking so customers can see exactly where their delivery is at any moment. The app also uses route optimization to find the fastest path to the customer’s location, ensuring that deliveries are completed efficiently. The delivery team then executes the delivery, often within minutes, fulfilling Blinkit’s promise of quick and reliable service.

By focusing on these three areas—order placement, processing, and delivery management—Blinkit provides a fast, efficient, and convenient shopping experience for its users.

4.Here’s why building a grocery delivery app like Blinkit is a great idea

Here’s why building a grocery delivery app like Blinkit is a great idea

Developing a Blinkit delivery partner app requires careful planning to ensure it meets the needs of both delivery partners and customers. By investing in a similar app, you can offer users the convenience of ordering groceries from their phones and getting them delivered right to their doorstep. Reasons why developing a grocery delivery app similar to Blinkit is a smart move:

A] High Demand: People are really into getting their groceries quickly delivered these days. The market for fast delivery is booming, so it’s a great time to get started.

B] Good Business Potential: A successful app can make money through delivery fees, subscriptions, and partnerships with local shops. There’s a lot of earning potential.

C] Convenience for Customers: Customers love the convenience of having their groceries brought straight to their door. It saves them time and effort.

D] Tech Opportunities: Using cool tech, like AI and real-time tracking, can make your app stand out and work even better.

E] Growth Potential: You can start in one area and expand as your business grows. It’s a flexible way to build your company.

F] Support Local Businesses: Working with local stores can help them reach more customers and strengthen community connections.

G] Adapt to Trends: As online shopping keeps growing, a delivery app fits perfectly into this trend, meeting the needs of modern shoppers.

H] Efficiency: Features like automated inventory and smart delivery routes help your app run smoothly and save on costs.

In short, a grocery delivery app like Blinkit meets the growing need for quick services, offers good business opportunities, and can adapt to changing market trends.

5.How to Create an App Similar to Blinkit: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a delivery partner app like Blinkit involves several steps, from planning and design to development and launch. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you understand the process:

Research and Planning

-> Market Research: Start by researching the market to understand the demand for quick commerce apps. Look into competitors like Swiggy Instamart, Dunzo, and Zepto to see what they offer and how you can differentiate your app.

-> Define Your Niche: Decide on the unique selling points (USPs) of your app. Will you focus on super-fast delivery, specific types of products, or a particular geographic area?

-> Target Audience: Identify your target audience, such as urban professionals, busy families, or students, to tailor the app’s features to their needs.

-> Set Clear Goals: Outline what you want to achieve with your app, like a certain number of downloads, specific revenue targets, or expansion plans.

Define the App Features

-> Essential Features for Customers: Easy registration, product search and filtering, a shopping cart, multiple payment options, real-time order tracking, and customer support.

-> Features for Delivery Partners: Registration, task management, earning tracking, GPS navigation, and real-time chat support.

-> Admin Panel Features: Inventory management, analytics, user management, and order monitoring.

-> Add-On Features: Loyalty programs, push notifications, or personalized recommendations to enhance user engagement.

Design the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)

-> Hire a UI/UX Designer: A skilled designer will create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for customers to use your app.

-> Create Wireframes and Prototypes: Develop wireframes (basic layouts) and prototypes (interactive models) to visualize the app’s flow and get feedback before full-scale development.

-> Focus on User Experience: Ensure the app is intuitive and easy to navigate. The user experience should prioritize quick access to products, a smooth checkout process, and easy communication with delivery partners.

Develop the App

-> Choose the Technology Stack: Decide on the programming languages and frameworks. For example, you might use React Native or Flutter for the front end (to support both iOS and Android) and Node.js or Python for the backend.

Build the Front-End and Back-End:

-> Front-End Development: Focus on the user-facing part of the app that users interact with.

-> Back-End Development: Build the server-side logic, databases, and APIs that power the app’s functionality.

-> Integrate Third-Party Services: Integrate essential third-party services such as payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal), mapping services (Google Maps), and communication tools (Twilio for SMS, Firebase for notifications).

Test the App Thoroughly

-> Quality Assurance (QA) Testing: Conduct extensive testing to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Test the app on multiple devices and operating systems to ensure compatibility.

-> Beta Testing: Release a beta version of the app to a small group of users to gather feedback and make necessary improvements before the full launch.

Deploy and Launch the App

-> Prepare for Launch: Make sure your app is fully functional, secure, and ready for users. Set up the necessary infrastructure and hosting to support the app’s operations.

-> Submit to App Stores: Submit your app to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Ensure you meet all their guidelines and requirements for a smooth approval process.

-> Promote the App: Use digital marketing strategies, such as social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, and app store optimization (ASO), to increase visibility and attract users.

Monitor and Improve

-> Collect User Feedback: Regularly collect and analyze user feedback to identify areas for improvement.

-> Update and Enhance Features: Continuously update the app to fix bugs, add new features, and improve performance based on user feedback and market trends.

-> Scale Your Operations: As your user base grows, scale your infrastructure and delivery network to ensure consistent, high-quality service.

Optimize for Growth

-> Implement a Monetization Strategy: Decide how you will make money—through delivery fees, subscriptions, partnerships, or ads—and implement your chosen strategy effectively.

-> Expand Your Market: Once your app is stable and profitable, consider expanding to new cities or regions to reach more customers.

By following these steps, you can create a robust and competitive delivery partner app like Blinkit that meets user expectations and thrives in the quick commerce market.

Building a delivery partner app like Blinkit involves several key cost factors. Let’s break them down to understand what you might need to budget for:

1) App Design and User Experience: The first step in developing any app is creating a design that’s not only functional but also visually appealing and easy to use. This requires hiring skilled UI/UX designers who understand how to make the app look good and work smoothly. The cost for a good UI/UX designer can range from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on their experience and the complexity of the design.

2) Development Team Costs: Building the app itself requires a team of developers. You’ll need iOS and Android developers to create versions of the app for both platforms. Then, you need backend developers to handle the server-side logic and ensure the app functions correctly. Additionally, a project manager will oversee the development process to keep things on track, and QA testers will make sure the app is bug-free. Here’s a breakdown of the typical costs:

-> iOS Developer: $20,000 – $50,000

-> Android Developer: $20,000 – $50,000

-> Backend Developer: $25,000 – $60,000

-> Project Manager: $10,000 – $30,000

-> QA Tester: $5,000 – $15,000

So, the total cost for the development team can range from $80,000 to $205,000.

3) Third-Party Integrations: To provide a seamless experience, your app will need various third-party integrations. This includes payment gateways (like Stripe or PayPal) for processing transactions, APIs for things like maps and location services, and other services like SMS or email notifications. Integrating these can add to your costs, typically ranging from $10,000 to $30,000. These costs can vary based on the number and complexity of integrations you need.

4) Infrastructure and Hosting: Your app will need a solid infrastructure to support its operations. This includes costs for servers, cloud services (like AWS or Google Cloud), and database management to store all the user and order data. The cost for infrastructure and hosting can vary widely depending on the scale and user base, but you should expect to spend between $15,000 and $40,000 annually.

5) Ongoing Maintenance and Updates: Once your app is live, you’ll need to budget for ongoing maintenance and updates. This involves fixing any bugs that pop up, adding new features, and keeping the app up to date with the latest technology. Regular updates are crucial to keeping your app running smoothly and your users happy. Annual maintenance costs  can range from $20,000 to $50,000.

Start Building Your Blinkit-like Delivery App Now

Ready to create a delivery partner app? Get expert guidance and a detailed cost breakdown for your Blinkit-like app development with our skilled developers.

7.Total Estimated Cost

When you add up all these factors, the total cost to develop a delivery partner app like Blinkit can range from $130,000 to $340,000 or more. This estimate varies depending on the app’s complexity, the team you hire, and the features you want to include. However, investing in quality development can significantly impact your app’s success in a competitive market.


Building a delivery partner app like Blinkit is a significant investment, but with careful planning and execution, it can be a lucrative venture. Understanding the costs involved will help you budget effectively and make informed decisions. If you’re ready to dive into the world of app development, make sure you’re prepared for both the financial and operational aspects!

Nikhil Patel

Nikhil Patel, our dynamic Director, charts our course with innovative fervor and strategic acumen. With a sharp eye for opportunity, he steers our company's ascent with resolute determination. Nikhil's empathetic leadership unites us, igniting a collective drive for greatness and propelling us toward boundless success.

  • Hourly
  • $20

  • Includes
  • Duration: Hourly Basis
  • Communication: Phone, Skype, Slack, Chat, Email
  • Project Trackers: Daily reports, Basecamp, Jira, Redmi
  • Methodology: Agile
  • Monthly
  • $2600

  • Includes
  • Duration: 160 Hours
  • Communication: Phone, Skype, Slack, Chat, Email
  • Project Trackers: Daily reports, Basecamp, Jira, Redmi
  • Methodology: Agile
  • Team
  • $13200

  • Includes
  • Duration: 1 (PM), 1 (QA), 4 (Developers)
  • Communication: Phone, Skype, Slack, Chat, Email
  • Project Trackers: Daily reports, Basecamp, Jira, Redmi
  • Methodology: Agile